Parents and carers - frequently asked questions



We are often contacted by the parents or carers of prospective and existing students on a range of topics. We have compiled some key information below, however if your query is not answered or you require further information, please contact us.



When should students start looking for accommodation?


In Liverpool there is a surplus of private student accommodation, which means there is plenty of accommodation for students to choose from. It may seem like a great idea for students to begin to look as early as October for the next academic year, but this can have its pitfalls, especially for first year students who in some cases may have only been in Liverpool for a matter of weeks.


There is a wide range of accommodations available so students can take their time to look and consider their options. LSH release property adverts at the start of December each year for the next academic year, and we have housing fairs around this time too. Details of upcoming housing fairs will be published on our Twitter and Facebook accounts.


It is also important that before committing to any tenancy, that students are sure of who they want to live with, and where they want to live.



Benefits of signing for LSH accredited accommodation


Accreditation means being officially recognised, accepted or approved of. Achieving accreditation demonstrates that a criteria has been met and can give reassurance. Landlords, agents and private halls can choose to voluntarily sign up to an accreditation scheme. In doing so they are making a commitment to meeting the requirements of the scheme.


Liverpool Student homes operates the only accreditation scheme for private student accommodation in Liverpool, called the LSH Standards. Below are the documents, which detail all of the requirements that accommodation providers must meet to become accredited and advertise their properties on the LSH website.


LSH Standards for landlords and letting agents

LSH Standards for private halls

LSH Standards - information for students



What you can expect from an accredited accommodation provider


LSH accredited accommodation providers should provide:


  • gas and electrical safety certificates for each property and ensure that these are renewed when required
  • fire/smoke alarms and equipment
  • carbon monoxide monitors, where there is gas in the property
  • suitable security measures
  • repairs within a reasonable time.



What is a guarantor?


As well as signing a tenancy agreement, often landlords and managing agents will ask that a student provides them with the contact details of someone they know who is a UK homeowner.


This person will be acting as a guarantor and is responsible for any unpaid rent or payments to the landlord for damage to the property, should the tenant not be able to pay. Many landlords and agents will not allow a tenancy to proceed until all prospective tenants have provided an acceptable guarantor.



What does a guarantor do?


There are two ways to become a guarantor:

  • On the tenancy agreement there may be a clause at the bottom that sets out the liability of the guarantor, which the guarantor will sign.

  • There may be a separate form for the guarantor to sign - a 'special deed of guarantee'.  In which case, a copy of the tenancy agreement must be supplied to the guarantor so they know what they are guaranteeing.

Joint tenancies and guarantors


Each tenant is liable for the rent for the whole property and condition of the whole property. Each tenant will have a guarantor, so in theory, each of the guarantors could also be jointly liable for money owed to the landlord, should any of the tenants or other guarantors not pay.


Unfortunately, some guarantors may not realise this and think they are only liable for the one tenant that they know and are guaranteeing, however, in a joint tenancy this is not always the case. If a student is asked to provide a guarantor when signing a joint tenancy, you should check with the landlord/agent before signing, who the guarantors liability is for (the individual tenant or all tenants).



What about students who haven't formed a group yet?


We are often contacted by students (and their parents/carers) who have yet to form a group as they are starting to worry about finding others to live with. This is nothing to worry about, as there will be many students in the same scenario, due to different reasons. We regularly hold find a housemate meet up events all throughout the year, and find that our meet ups in January and February are very popular and well attended by students looking to form a group, and also student groups who may have a spare room within the LSH accredited property they have signed for. As well as our events, students can also use our student to student message board on the website to find others to live with.


For more details about the message board and our events, including upcoming event dates, please visit our dedicated finding housemates page.