Health and wellbeing



Mental health 


An increasing number of students at University are experiencing mental health difficulties that impact not only on their academic work, but also on all other aspects of their University life. Mental health difficulties not only have implications for the student involved, but often also for those around them such as friends, colleagues, staff and family.


It is acknowledged that supporting someone who is experiencing issues with their mental health can be difficult and challenging, and that people should not feel alone in such situations. If in doubt, there are services that you can contact for guidance and support in confidence.


It is important to acknowledge that mental health difficulties can present themselves in a wide variety of ways, depending upon the individual and the circumstances. What perhaps is most important, is to consider if possible, how a person seems in relation to how they usually are. Changes in people's mood and personality can provide important indicators as to how they are feeling. Unusual mood swings or social withdrawal might, for example, provide some indication that the person is experiencing some degree of emotional distress.


Essentially, it is difficult to define what is 'normal', other than to use an individual's usual behaviour as a point of comparison. Clearly it is not always possible to make such comparisons when dealing with  someone for the first time or with little prior knowledge of them.



Signs of emotional distress:


  • Erratic or unpredictable behaviour
  • Agitation or overt anxiety
  • Dishinibition
  • Social withdrawal/avoidance of social interaction or contact
  • Unexplained or prolonged crying
  • Change or disturbance in eating/sleeping patterns
  • Incoherent speech
  • Paranoia
  • Physical ill-health
  • Hearing voices
  • Behaviour inappropriate to the social context
  • Any verbalised thoughts of suicide/harm

It is important to recognise that we all may experience one or more of these factors at given points in our lives, and that none of the above in isolation indicate a severe or enduring mental illness. The presence of these factors might suggest a need for greater concern or investigation.


Source: University of Liverpool, Counselling and Mental Health Services



Getting help


If you are concerned that someone you are supporting is showing any of the above signs, or if you need help yourself, then you can access mental health services from within your university. Support is confidential and you can get advice about a friend without necessarily giving the name of the person involved.


University of Liverpool Counselling and Mental Health Service and Student Welfare, Advice and Guidance

University of Liverpool Report + Support

Liverpool John Moores University Health and Wellbeing

Liverpool John Moores University Report + Support

Liverpool Hope University Mental Health and Wellbeing

Liverpool Hope University Report an Incident

LIPA Student Support Services



Sexual violence support


RASA (Rape and Sexual Abuse Support) Merseyside is a professional counselling and support service that exists solely to improve the mental and physical well-being of individuals impacted by sexual violence at some point in their lives. 




Healthwatch Liverpool


Healthwatch is an independent organisation, that helps people to access health and social care services in Liverpool. They have produced these leaflets with tips for staying healthy and contact information for organisations if you are struggling with your mental health.





Staying safe while drinking


Drink Aware have produced this useful survival guide for students. It contains plenty of advice and tips for you to follow to help keep you safe while drinking including; knowing your limits, a handy unit calculator, things to consider before you out out for a drink, what to be aware of while you're drinking and tips for getiing home safely.