Free tenancy agreement (contract) checking service
If you are about to sign a tenancy agreement, one of our Housing Advisors can check your contract, explain anything that you are unsure of and point out any unfair terms. Tenancy agreements are legally binding, which means that once you sign, you are legally obliged to pay the rent for the length of time stated on the contract, so it's important that you understand the terms in the contract and that you are happy with the property.
Email a copy of your tenancy agreement to
Once received, we will reply to you with an advice request form. Please complete and return this to receive advice about your tenancy agreement. If you don't return the completed form, we are unable to provide advice.
Alternatively, you can bring your contract to our office for checking and complete a paper advice request form.
Our office is open Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm. If one of our Housing Advisors is not available immediately to discuss your tenancy, you may be asked to leave a copy and they will contact you once it has been checked or you may be asked to return later on (please note, in person tenancy checks are currently not being encouraged, and instead we would prefer you to email a copy over for review).
Please note we do not provide legal advice.