Fact Finder

These statistics relate to student accommodation in Liverpool and the surrounding area that has been advertised on Studentpad

Statistics Overview

Total Properties:


Total Active Adverts:


Total Rooms:


Rooms Available:


Note: Statistics below are based on total adverts and are taken once daily. [Last Update: 21/12/2024 @ 0:29:10].

Agents/Landlords Currently Advertising
Last Update: 21/12/2024 @ 0:29:10

ReferenceName / Company
LSHA8438Abodus Student Living
LSHA8781Aced Homes
LSHA7729Address Properties
LSHA8690Mrs Caryn Annal
LSHA8774Arcadian Spaces Ltd
LSHA7672Mr Richard Bailey
LSHA8363Bellahew Properties
LSHA8219BMC Student Digs
LSHA7724Bold Accommodation Ltd.
LSHA5530Mr Andrew Booth
LSHA7591C W Estates
LSHA7311Mr Frank Campbell
LSHA8772CARO Letting
LSHA3381CAS Lettings Ltd
LSHA7212Mr Johnnie Clark
LSHA7555Condor Properties
LSHA8780Core Property Managment
LSHA7016Mr John Cromby
LSHA7799Damian Kenny
LSHA8486Mr Richard Davies
LSHA7526Desirable Student Properties
LSHA4423DPE Properties
LSHA8075ELJ Properties
LSHA8156Mr Neil Finlay
LSHA7744Fraine Property Management
LSHA8563Professor Paul Garner
LSHA8040Gibbins Property Management Limited
LSHA2148Mr Paul J Gleave
LSHA7773Golding Estates
LSHA7494Mr Ron Goodfriend
LSHA8172Miss molly gregory
LSHA8128Hello Student
LSHA1850Mrs R Hogarth
LSHA3062I L C Properties
LSHA7167Mr Damian Ikin
LSHA8742Immerser Ltd
LSHA7965iQ Student Accommodation
LSHA8602Dr Dan Jaggard
LSHA1915Mr Rajeeb Jalota
LSHA1752James May Properties Ltd
LSHA5722John Paul Donnelly
LSHA7302Mr Steven Johnson
LSHA8337Ms Santosh Kataria
LSHA1189Kexgill Liverpool
LSHA8318Kulwinder Bharath
LSHA8599Lawsons Consultancy
LSHA8681Legacie Lettings & Management
LSHA8369Linx Property Solutions Ltd
LSHA7264Liverpool Student Pad
LSHA5680Liverpool Student Properties
LSHA7606Luxury Student Homes
LSHA8027Malmar Letting Services Ltd
LSHA8776Mr Oliver McKinley
LSHA4358MGS Estates Group
LSHA8198Mr & Mrs V von Morgen
LSHA7628Mr Michael Genner
LSHA8559MR Sales and Lettings
LSHA3660 MRM Properties
LSHA8307Ms Margaret Apostolou (Joint Mgr)
LSHA8461My World Property
LSHA6215Ms Julie Nagy
LSHA8768Ms Cynthia Nie
LSHA2559Norbury NW Ltd
LSHA2794 Norford Developments
LSHA8112Now Rooms Liverpool
LSHA8766Now Student Living
LSHA8672Onyx Real Estate
LSHA4112Ms Elizabeth Pascoe
LSHA8383Patricia Roberts
LSHA7305Mrs Angela Price
LSHA4764Property Link
LSHA8763Ms Shirley Regan
LSHA7182 Remstone Limited
LSHA8688Saunders Real Estate Management Ltd
LSHA8390Scouse House Students
LSHA8593Square Tile Lettings
LSHA1745TJT Students
LSHA7119Topproperty Student Homes
LSHA3195Toro Lettings
LSHA1733Urban Student Lets Ltd
LSHA6040V & A Properties
LSHA4380VG Nolan
LSHA3658Mr Paul Whiteside
LSHA7927Mr Philip Winter
LSHA7681Mr Adam Wright
LSHA7667Your Place Ltd.
LSHA8032Your Student Living LTD
LSHA8756ZZED Properties Ltd