What is accreditation?


Accreditation means being officially recognised, accepted or approved of. Achieving accreditation demonstrates that a criteria has been met and can give reassurance.


Liverpool Student Homes operates the only accreditation scheme for private student accommodation in Liverpool, called the LSH Standards. When an accommodation provider approaches our service to advertise or re-advertise accommodation on the LSH website platform, they agree to follow the requirements of the LSH Standards and become an accredited provider.


You can view a full copy of the LSH Standards here. For private halls that wish to become LSH accredited, they must commit to meet the LSH Standards for Private Halls.



Why choose to rent accredited student accommodation?




The accreditation process includes a property assessment at first point of application to ensure a property complies with the LSH Standards.  For accommodation providers with a large portfolio of properties, we will assess a sample of these. To stay accredited they must continue to meet the requirements of the scheme.  

Formal complaints procedure

If at at any point during the tenancy you think that the accommodation provider is falling short of their responsibilities outlined in the LSH Standards or LSH Standards for Private Halls, you have a formal means of redress. If your attempts to resolve issues with your accommodation provider have not been successful, you can raise a complaint with LSH and we will investigate the problem with the aim of resolving issues.

Confidential advice and support

All advice given is strictly confidential, and we will only contact the accommodation provider on your behalf, if you have given us permission to do so. To contact us for advice, please click here. Our housing advisors are not legally trained, so you may be signposted to a legal professional or other agencies, if required.


LSH Standards - information for students


We've produced a handy factsheet for students to help understand what the LSH Standards are and what accommodation providers are agreeing to when they give their commitment to meet these standards when applying for LSH accreditation. Click the thumbnail below to view our factsheet.