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Posted by: Grace
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Name - Charlotte Morgan
Hi I am looking for people to live with next year to, message me if you want to chat my instagram is @platinumstarlesbo and my snap is charlmorg06
Name - Maddie
Hiya me and 2 other girls are looking for more housemates, message me on ig @maddiemcmanuss if ur still looking x
Name - Izzy Johnson
Heyyy, I am really interested in finding housemates for next year. My insta is iizzy_xox
Name - Olivia
Hi, there is 3 of us with a house reserved in Kensington! I also study law at uni of Liverpool- my instagram is olivia.flannigan x
Heyyy, I am really interested in finding housemates for next year!!! My insta is iizzy_xox
Heyyyy, I am also really interested in finding people to live with next year. I study psychology at the uni of lpool. My insta is iizzy_xox
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