Contact Liverpool Student Homes


Contact us



Winter break office closure


The LSH office will close on Friday 22nd December and re-open on Thursday 2nd January.



Office hours


The LSH office is open Monday-Friday, 9am-4.30pm.



Getting in touch



Phone: 0151 794 3296 

Instagram: @livstudenthomesofficial

Facebook: LiverpoolStudentHomes

Twitter: @LivStudentHomes


We can provide help and support face-to-face, remotely via Zoom/Teams,by phone, email or on our social media channels.



Face-to-face appointments


You can visit us at the office during office hours for help and support. Alternatively, we can arrange an appointment for you to speak to one of our Housing Advisors.



Our office is located at 5 Oxford Street, L7 7HL in Liverpool City Centre, round the corner from the Metropolitan Cathedral. 



Unhappy with the service you have been offered?


We endeavour to deliver the best service possible to our landlords and students, however we recognise there may be times where you feel that you have not got what you have hoped for from using our service.


If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service, please read the LSH complaints policy and contact a member of our team.




Liverpool Student Homes (LSH) has tried to ensure that the contents of this website are accurate. However LSH will not accept liability for any loss or damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of any use of or the inability to use any information on this website. Visitors who use this website and rely on any information do so at their own risk. LSH does not represent or warrant that the information accessible via the website is accurate, complete or up to date.  


LSH will not be liable (to the fullest extent permitted at law) for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of any use of or the inability to use any information on this site.

LSH takes no responsibility for the contents of linked websites and links should not be taken as endorsement of any kind.


  • Reporting problems with this website

Studentpad Limited

Address: Office Suite 30, The Old Flying Club
Baffin Way
East Yorkshire, United Kingdom
HU15 1YU
Company No: 03992911